Joe DiNapoli v Polsku - Víme o tom!
Joe DiNapoli přijal před časem naše pozvání a předvedl své umění před zraky návštěvníků FPG MoneyExpo Trading 2014. Jeho workshop měl velký úspěch a my dostali nesčetně skopojených emailů. Od té doby jsme s Joem v kontaktu. Když nás před časem kontaktoval, že bude mít workshop v Polsku, neváhali jsme ani chvilku a rozhodli se ho podpořit.
Mnoho úspěšných tradů přeje
Tým FZ
Sign up for the Joe DiNapoli workshops!
We would like to invite you for the several hours of practice journey with one of the best trader in the world.
Interested in participating?
Joe DiNapoli always said that “even a monkey can be taught to make a lot of money, but making it long-term success is much bigger challenge” - learn the secrets of successful trading with DiNapolis’ leading indicators.
Joe DiNapoli about himself:
• I have been investing on world’s capital markets for over 40 years.
• I trade almost every Day, even for 10 hours a day,
• I invest short-, mid- and longterm, using one minute to one year ticks,
• I traded bonds yielding 18% back in the 80’s,
• I have been trading futures on S&P since they were introduced back in 1982,
• I foresaw the one-day 500 point slump in 1987,
• I traded on the opening right after the 9/11/01 terror attack,
• I gained a lot over the market during the 2007-2009 crisis,
• Especially 2008 was one of the best years in my whole investing career,
• My approach is based on leading indicators and is one of the best in the world!
The workshops will take place the day before WallStreet Conference – 2nd June.
What will you learn during workshops?
• how to find (earlier than the market) DiNapoli levels to open positions
• how to use DiNapoli levels to place stop-loss orders
• and how to know when to take profits
You can also learn :
• how DiNapoli levels work across timeframes
• how to build a winning trading plan?
The workshops will be held in english.
Please sign up by sending an email to: